In a heartwarming announcement, Oseloka ‘Ocee’ Mbadiwe, a former housemate of BBNaija, shared the joyous news of welcoming his first child with his fiancée. Ocee took to Instagram to introduce their baby girl, describing her as the “greatest Christmas gift.” The reality TV star posted adorable photos of his family, expressing his gratitude and happiness.
Ocee’s heartfelt caption read, “The greatest Christmas gift, wrapped in love and joy. Couldn’t have asked for a better gift. We welcomed our precious baby girl to the world a couple weeks ago and we are thankful. She’s the miracle we prayed for and the perfect reminder of God’s greatness.”
Ocee Mbadiwe, known for his time on BBNaija season nine, had revealed his engagement shortly before entering the house. He praised his fiancée for her unwavering support and understanding, acknowledging the challenges she faced while he participated in the show. “I am blessed to have someone supportive and understanding. Something that was supposed to be hard, she made it much easier for me. If anything, I would say it was hard on her,” he had said.
The arrival of their baby girl has brought immense joy to the couple, marking a new chapter in their lives. Fans and well-wishers have flooded social media with congratulatory messages, celebrating this special moment with the Mbadiwe family.