Shelved Strike: It’s Normal For People To Say ‘You Sold Out’ – NLC


President of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Ayuba Wabba, has reacted to comments by some aggrieved Nigerians who feel the group was bought over by the government in regards to the planned nationwide strike.

Speaking on Channels TV’s Politics Today on Wednesday, the NLC President noted that “its normal for people that actually buy people, to say ‘you sold out’”.

But according to him, the real issues are clear and agreements were reached between both Labour and the government that if the demands are not met within the next two weeks, the strike will commence.

“Trade unions or labour organisations such as the NLC is membership based, which means we have a very clear objective to protect and defend the interest of our members,” he said.

“You know, its normal for people that actually buy people, to say ‘you sold out’, but I think the issues are very clear and I think that by the time we share those details with our CWC, they commended the effort that was made.

“The purpose of every action of a trade union including the NLC, is to try to see how those issues will be resolved”.

The decision to suspend the strike which as initially scheduled for Monday, followed an agreement reached between both parties.

Organized labour, however, stressed that the strike was suspended not called off and it could be recalled if the government doesn’t hold up its end of the deal made at this meeting in the next two weeks.


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