Scientists pinpoint how far coronavirus COVID-19 can travel in the air

Scientists have proven that the coronavirus is airborne, and how far it can travel


Scientists have proven that the coronavirus is airborne, and how far it can travel

Every day scientists around the globe have been figuring out more and more about the coronavirus COVID-19. Only a few days ago, a new study revealed just how far the virus could travel in the air.

We have known for quite some time that the coronavirus is somewhat airborne, what isn’t known is that if the airborne remnants of the virus pose a significant threat to the rate of which the virus is spreading. According to Chinese researchers that published a paper in Emerging Infectious Diseases, a journal of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), results indicated that COVID-19 was detectable in air samples in an intensive care unit 13 feet from infected patients.

The researchers found the virus was more concentrated downstream from the patient, and less concentrated upstream from the patient. Luckily, none of the hospital staff have been recorded to be contracted the virus, thus proving that appropriate precautions can effectively prevent infection. At the moment, the aerosolization of the coronavirus is still an area of study that needs further research because, at the moment, scientists can’t conclude just how dangerous COVID-19 aerosols are, and how much they are contributing the overall spread of the virus.


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