The Lagos State Police Command’s Rapid Response Squad (RRS) has arrested Ifeanyi Okonkwo, who was caught on CCTV stealing a mobile phone at a restaurant on Kafi Street, Alausa, Ikeja. The incident occurred on November 7, 2024, when Okonkwo visited the eatery under the guise of buying food but instead stole a Samsung A15 smartphone left unattended on the counter by another customer.
Unbeknownst to Okonkwo, the restaurant’s CCTV captured his actions clearly, providing the evidence needed to identify him. Despite this, he remained undetected for weeks until he made a crucial mistake: returning to the same restaurant. On December 5, 2024, staff at the establishment recognized him from the footage and immediately contacted the police.
The RRS operatives quickly responded and apprehended Okonkwo near the restaurant. Following his arrest, investigators recovered the stolen phone from the person to whom it had been sold. The buyer cooperated with the authorities and returned the device to its rightful owner, aiding the swift resolution of the case.
Okonkwo has since been charged to court, where he faces prosecution for theft. His actions and subsequent capture have highlighted the importance of surveillance technology in combating petty crimes in Lagos. CCTV footage proved instrumental not only in identifying the suspect but also in holding him accountable for his actions.
This case serves as a reminder for businesses and individuals to remain vigilant. It also underscores the value of investing in security systems, which can deter potential crimes and assist in swift law enforcement responses when necessary.